Un piccolo birrificio con grandi sapori, nella Valle di Ledro en
“From a great passion, a hobby and deep historical roots, the opportunity arose to develop a marvellous work project linked to the art of brewing and its history.”
The Leder Craft Brewery was established thanks to the young Master Brewer Fabrizio and his passion for homebrewing..
From an engineering degree to the study of the art of brewing in Bohemia thanks to the close ties between Valle di Ledro and the Czech Republic.
The Leder Craft Brewery is located in Valle di Ledro, with the beers being produced with pure alpine spring water.
No beer is filtered or pasteurised.
Some beers are inspired by the tradition of Czech brews, since during the First World War, the population of the Valle di Ledro was evacuated to Bohemia until the end of the conflict.
Throughout the years spent in Bohemia, the women learned many recipes from Bohemian cuisine as well as how to make beer at home. On returning to the Valley, they began to produce craft beer, growing grain and using wild hops collected along the streams of the Valley.
We thus decided to restore this tradition by producing a range of beers able to satisfy all tastes.